The Mismatch between Technical and Vocational Education and Training Graduates’ Competence and Expected Employees’ Skills: Perceived Experience of Employers in Private Firms of Addis Ababa
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This study explored the skills mismatch of Technical and Vocational Education and Training and the expected competency of the employees as perceived by private firms in Addis Ababa. A concurrent mixed-method research design was used. In this study, 21 respondents for the Key Informant Interview and 233 respondents for the questionnaire have taken part. The sample respondents were drawn from 17 firms in Addis Ababa, using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Data was collected using the STEP Skills Measurement Employer Survey and adapted to the local context, and a structured interview guide. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, Standard Deviation (SD), graphs, and inferential statistics such as one-way ANOVA. In contrast, the qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Finally, the ANOVA results unveiled the most incredible skills mismatch between what employers consider relevant to their firms and the technical and vocational education and training graduates competencies in general, soft and hard skills. Thus, strengthening the links between the technical and vocational education and training colleges and employers are recommended.
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