Relational Coping Resources: Caregiver Families’ Experience of Living with Chronic Illness in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Phenomenological Study

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Kaleab Fikre


Caregiver families of chronically ill members usually experience chaos. They, however, often use strategies to manage, cope with, and mitigate the negative effects of the illness. Therefore, this study aimed at revealing relational coping resources that caregiver families use to cope with and mitigate the effects of living with chronically ill family members. The study was purely qualitative. It employed a phenomenological method. Participants were caregiver families who had a family member with a chronic illness. The data was collected from 20 interviewees using semi-structured interview-guiding questions and analyzed it thematically. The findings revealed that relational resources emanated from a family's religious affiliation and friendships provide opportunities to enhance coping capacities, which in turn facilitated and helped in coping with and mitigating the effects of illness. Moreover, a strong sense of We-ness produced by familial relationships plays an important role in strengthening the family's coping capacity. Relational coping resources enhance maintaining the family's social relationships, obtain social support, and provide a sense of unity within the family. In the absence of formal supports, such as family counseling, this study argues that informal relational coping resources play a critical role in mitigating the effects of the illness. Despite its debilitating effects, the family experiences of chronic illnesses received little attention in hospitals. In conclusion, the study recommends that hospitals need to establish mechanisms to support families living with chronic illness, which could raise their awareness and help them, cope with the challenges that the illness brings.


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Author Biography

Kaleab Fikre

Addis Ababa University, Department of Sociology