Sociolinguistics Study of Marital Names Given to Bride in Traditional Marriage of South Wollo Zone

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Ali Damtew


This paper deals with marital names given to bride in traditional marriage of South Wollo Zone. The research was necessary to be conducted because transmitting meaningful names given reasonably to bride from generation to generation is under threat because of modernity. To collect data, the researcher employed focus-group discussion, non-structured interview and open-ended questions. For this study, data was collected from six districts of South Wollo Zone, such as Tänta, Mäk’ïdäla, Kutabär, Läganbo, Däse Zuriya and K’alu. Both sexes (male and female) were participants of the study. Purposive sampling was employed to select the areas and the participants of the study. Qualitative data analysis method was used to interpret and analyze names of bride. The paper finds out names given to a bride and revealed sociolinguistic issues which motivate those who give names and the meaning of the names given. The names given to bride are grouped based on the meanings or the themes they imply. The aspects or factors behind the names of the bride are hopes, weakness, happiness, wishes, loneliness, lack, and fear of the name- givers, honor, beauty, industriousness, good behavior, sociability, kindness, generosity, protection, fortune of the bride. Furthermore, precious materials, traditions, body parts and flora are also taken into account to give names for a bride. Finally, further research is recommended to be carried out in the rest of the districts of Wollo and other areas of the Amhara regional state to find out names given to brides after their marriage.


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Ali Damtew

Wollo University, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of English Language and Literature