Family Health Intervention for Improving Family Relationships among Selected Destitute Families in Ambo Town

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Ejigu Olana
Belay Tefera


The objective of this study was to test the effect of family-based training on family relationships of destitute families in Ambo town, Ethiopia. Twelve families in the treatment group received a six-session relationship-based intervention aimed at improving family interaction (cohesion, communication, and conflict resolution). In this study, a mixed research design was used. As a result, a quasi-experimental design was employed to assess the intervention's effect, while an interview was done concurrently for data triangulation. Both the treatment and control groups were evaluated before and after the intervention. The effect of the intervention was investigated using one-way ANCOVA. The study found that after the intervention, the quality of the family relationship increased significantly among the treatment groups. In comparison to the control group, qualitative data showed that family cohesion, communication, problem-solving, and positive discipline were all higher in the treatment group, whereas negative family interactions and children's behavioural difficulties were reduced. The outcomes of the intervention showed that healthy family-based interventions that target low-income families and are implemented with few resources and in a short period of time provide significant results. Despite the fact that the intervention was only directed at one family member, it had a huge impact on the entire family. Finally, in order to enhance family and societal well-being, family-based intervention should be included in child development policy and practices.


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Author Biographies

Ejigu Olana

Ambo University, Institute of Education and Behavioural Sciences, Department of Psychology

Belay Tefera

Addis Ababa University, College of Education and Behavioural Studies, School of Psychology