The Role of Catholic Missionaries in the Development of Afan Oromo Written Literature, 1839-1935
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Catholic Missionaries played significant roles in transforming Afan Oromo from oral to written literature. However, these developments and contributions were not well treated in Oromo studies. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify and trace the roles the Catholic Missionaries played in the development of written Oromo literature from 1839-1935. For the study, narrative based descriptive research designs and qualitative research approach were employed. Data were collected from both available literature which were produced by the Catholic missionaries and oral sources. Oral sources were obtained from informants who were identified by darbaa dabarsaa (snowball method). The collected data were interpreted and analyzed qualitatively based on historical research method. The analysis of the data shows that the scriptures they translated, the Afan Oromo schools they established among the Oromo and Oromo grammars and dictionaries they produced significantly contributed to the development of written Oromo literature. As a result of these efforts, they should have earned a prominent position in the history of written Oromo literature.
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