Nationally accredited in 2020.

The East African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (EAJSSH) is the official journal of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Haramaya University. Its purpose is to serve as a forum for intellectual exchange on a wide range of social, historical, environmental, and political issues that affect humans in multiple ways and are in turn affected by the dynamics and processes of humans’ interventions. Contributions are thus welcome from the diverse and interrelated fields of social sciences and humanities such as sociology, social work, social anthropology, history, political science, human geography, gender and development studies, social psychology, peace and conflict studies, linguistics, literature, and folklore, cultural studies, law, media and communication studies, tourism and development, urban planning (its social aspects), and education. The journal gives priority to empirical works but also encourages outstanding contributions that deal with methodological and theoretical dilemmas spanning the fields of social sciences and humanities. Critical reviews of newly published books and short research communications are also considered.


  1. Journal Style and Format
  • Manuscript should be written in English and consecutively paged.
  • Manuscript should not exceed maximum of 10,000 words.
  • The manuscript should be typewritten in A4 size paper, 12 point font size, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with margin of 1 inch on the left, right, top and bottom side of each paper.
  • Headings and sub headings should be in title case, bold and numbered.
  • Manuscripts must be report of original research findings and should neither be simultaneously submitted to nor previously published in any other journal. Manuscript submission implies that consents of all authors and the permission of the concerned institute(s) have been obtained.
  • All correspondences will be made with author whose name appears first unless indicated otherwise.
  • Manuscripts should be forwarded via E-mail to the editorial manager or submitted online (through the journal’s website).




  1. Peer Review Policy and Process

The East African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (EAJSSH) maintains a high standard of publication quality through a double-blind peer review process, in which identities of author(s) are not disclosed to reviewers and identities of reviewers are also not disclosed to author(s). All research articles published in EAJSSH are subjected to a fully double-blind peer review process as indicated below:

  • All research articles are reviewed by at least two suitably qualified experts.
  • Decisions are made by the journal’s Editorial Board on the basis of reviewers' and editors’ comments.
  • International members of the Editorial Board of the journal lend insights, advice and guidance to the other Editorial Board members of the journal.
  • The Editorial Manager provides administrative supports and facilitates communications between editors, authors, and reviewers. This allows EAJSSH to maintain the integrity of the peer review process and ensures a rapid turnaround with a maximum efficiency.
  • The Editorial Board of EAJSSH will decide promptly whether to accept, reject, or request revisions of referred papers based on the reviews and editorial insight of the journal.
  • Authors will be advised to incorporate all the comments made by the reviewers and editors.
  1. Proofs and Reprints
  • Electronic proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as a PDF file. Page proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript with the exception of typographical or minor editorial errors. No change will be made in the manuscripts at the proof change. Authors will have free electronic copy to the full text (both HTML and PDF) of the article and can freely download the PDF file from which they can print unlimited copies of their articles.
  • Copyright: The author is the copyright holder while Haramaya University is the publisher.


  1. Off Prints

The corresponding author at no cost will be provided with PDF file of the article via e-mail. The PDF file is water marked version of the published article and includes a cover sheet with the journal cover image and disclaimer outlining the terms and conditions of use. Additional hard copies of off prints can be obtained. An order form with price will be sent upon the request from the author.

  1. Research Articles (Full Length Paper)

Title Page

The following aspects should be included on the title page:

  • Full title of the manuscript (short but informative)
  • Name(s) of author(s) without degrees or diplomas
  • Institutional affiliations of author(s)
  • Numerical super scripts should be used against affiliations if the authors are more than one and from different institutions or from different departments/schools/colleges within the same institution.
  • Short (running) title not more than six words

Text Pages

The text pages include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussions, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and References.


  • Full title of the manuscript.
  • Structured abstract between 150 to 250 words. It must convey clearly the essential features of the paper, major objectives, key methods and outstanding findings of the study.
  • Do not put authors’ names and affiliations on the abstract page.


Keywords or phrases (up to five, in alphabetical order, separated by semicolon) should be given next to the abstract on a separate line.


This section provides a brief background to the subject, statement of the problem, and describes the principal objectives of the investigation.

Research Methods

This section encompasses a brief description of the methods used and procedures followed to obtain results. Moreover, research tools (approach), method of data collection and analysis should be described.



Present and describe the results obtained; if applicable, describe the main statistical significant findings of the results.


This section of the manuscript describes interpretations and implications of the result obtained in relation to other findings in similar area or other related studies.

NOTE: The result and discussion part can be presented either separately or together. The methods, result, and discussions could include sub headings.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Explain briefly the important contributions of the research work in terms of new findings and methods and point out the future research needs, if any. It must not contain any references. Recommendations should go in line with the conclusions.


Acknowledgement of people and grants should be briefly stated, if required.


All materials (literature) referred to must be cited. References must be cited and listed in the following forms.


Citing References in the Text

  • For one or two authors: Example: Comenetz (2012), Comenetz and Caviedes (2012)
  • For three, four, or five authors: When citing for the first time, mention all authors. Example: Sharp, Aarons, Wittenberg, and Gittens (2007). However, for subsequent in-text citations of the same source, use the name of the first author followed by et al. Example: Sharp et al. (2007).
  • Six or more authors: both for first and subsequent in-text citations use the following style. Example: Mendelsohn et al. (2010)


N.B. Comenetz, Caviedes, Sharp, Aarons, Wittenberg, Gittens, and Mendelsohn are family names or surnames of the authors.


For Ethiopian authors, we use either the grandfathers’ or fathers’ names as surnames or family names. For example, Tola Dabala should be cited in-text as Dabala (2010) or (Dabala, 2010) while Tesfa Degafa Tekle should be cited as Tekle (2009) or (Tekle, 2009).

  • References should follow their chronological order of publications when references are more than one. For example, Grau, et al., 2003; Campbell, et al, 2005; Woldamlak and Solomon, 2013).


  • The letters a, b, c, etc., should be used to distinguish citations of different works by the same author(s) in the same year. Example:  Desalegn (2008a; b) or Desalegn, et al. (2008a; b).




Listing References at the end of an article (Reference in the list)


References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of any article and shall have the following form:

A) Journal Articles


Tadesse, Adinew. 2011. Analysis of action research conducted by student teachers and its facilitation by teacher educators at Haramaya University, Ethiopia. East African Journal of Sciences, 5 (2): 75-81.


In this example, Tadesse is the surname or family name whereas Adinew is first name. The father names of Ethiopian authors need to be considered as family names if the authors’ names do not include grandfathers’ names.  If an author writes his/her name including his/her grandfather’s name, his/her grandfather’s name need to be considered as his/her surname or family name. For example, Adinew Tadesse Degago should be written in a reference list as Degago, Adinew Tadesse (2011) or simply as Degago, A. T. (2011).


Yu, W., Zang, S., Wu, C., Liu, W. and Na, X. 2010. Analyzing and modelling land use land cover change (LUCC) in the Daqing City, China. Applied Geography, 31 (2): 600-608.


B) Books

Creswell, J. W. 2012. Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research, 4th edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Giddens, Anthony. 2007. Introduction to sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Tesfaye, Abera. 2012. A historical survey of land tenure system in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Artistic Printing Press.

Tesfaye is the name of Abera’s father which is used here as a surname or family name. Abera is the actual author of this book.

Gaddisa, Oda Birbirso. 2016. Culture and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Or

Gaddisa, O. B. 2016. Culture and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Here Gaddisa is the name of the grandfather of Oda. Oda is the actual author and Birbirso is the name of Oda’s father (middle name).


C) Contributions in Books (Book Chapters)

Woliyie, Jeylan. 2010. English supremacy in Ethiopia-auto ethnographic reflections. In: Heugh, K. and Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (eds.), Multilingual education works: From the periphery to the centre. New Delhi: Oriented Black Swan, PP. 99-150.

Woliyie is surname while Jeylan is first name.


D) Contributions in Proceedings

Piguet, F. and Dechassa, Lemessa. 2004. Review of voluntary migration and resettlement programs up to the end of 2001. In: Pankhurst, A. and Piguet, F. (eds.), People, space and the state: Migration, resettlement and displacement in Ethiopia. Proceeding of the Workshop held by the Ethiopian Society of Sociologists, Social workers, and Anthropologists and the United Nations Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, 28-30 January 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 133-161.


E) Publications of Organizations

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 1986. Highland reclamation study, Ethiopia. Final Report. Rome, Italy.


MoE (Ministry of Education). 1994. Ethiopian education and training policy. Unpublished Policy Document. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


F) Publications from Website

Otsuka, K. 2001. Population pressure, land tenure, and natural resource management in selected areas of Africa and Asia. Foundation for advanced studies on international development. ( (Accessed on November 28, 2012).

G) Legislations

Federal Courts Proclamation 1996 Art.8(1) and 2 Proc No. 25/1996 Fed. Neg. Gaz year 2 no 1.

City of La Verne, Community Development Department. 1991. Staff report on zoning for social services and health care facilities. La Verne, CA: City of La Verne.

H) Quotations

Quotations of more than forty words should be indented left (for APA) and right (for MZA) without any quotation marks. Quotation marks in the block should appear as they normally do. Quotations of less than forty words should be in quotation marks and not indented from the text. Regarding alternatives in the quotation, use Square bracket ”[          ]” to note any change in the quoted material, Ellipsis “..................” to indicate omitted material, “[ sic]” to indicate mistake in the original Quote.

I) Foot Notes

If used, foot notes should be consecutively numbered and be set out at the foot of each page and cross-referred using ibid as appropriate foot note numbers are placed outside of punctuation marks.

J) Reference in Foot Notes

References in Foot notes should generally contain sufficient information about the source material.

K) Treaties

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treatise, 1969 Article 31.

L) Resolutions

Security Council Resolution 1368 (2001). (www.’ open Element). (Accessed on August 10, 2006).

M) Italicizations

All non-English words must be italicized.

N) Emphasis

To indicate emphasis, use italics.

Tables, Figures and Others

  • Tables should bear Arabic numerical followed by the title and be referred to in the text by their numbers. Foot notes in the tables should be indicated by superscript letters beginning with “a” in each table. Descriptive materials not designated as a foot note may be placed under the table as a NOTE. Tables should have only 3 horizontal lines separating top and bottom of columns heading, and bottom of a table plus additional line separating mean and /or total values from the main data set in the Table. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns instead extra space should be left between the columns.
  • All illustrations should be given separately not stuck on pages and not folded. They should be numbered as figures in sequence in Arabic numerals.
  • High quality clear black and white photographs (100 X 70 mm) can be submitted to the journal; major findings should be marked clearly. Appropriate title to each illustration should be given at the bottom.

Review Articles

Review Articles are aimed at giving an overview of a particular subject suitable for a wider audience that includes recent advances in an area in which an author has been actively engaged. Review articles will be considered from prominent thinkers, authorities on invitation by the Editorial Board.

Short Communications

Short communications should report completed work, not preliminary findings. Completed work may be sent as a short communication describing smaller pieces of work. Short communication should not be more than 8 pages, and maximum of two figures/ tables or combination. Important academic conferences may be sent as short communications.

Publication Fee

There is no publication fee.